Session Detonation and Combustion (2)
Date/Time Monday, 15 July 2019, 16:30 - 17:50 hrs
Venue Auditorium
Session Chair Zbigniew Walenta

Theoretical Study on the Deflagration to Detonation Transition Process
Y.F. Liu, W.S. Zhang, Z.J. Zhang and Z.L. Jiang

Study on Self-sustaining Mode of Detonation Wave under Concentration Gradients with Detailed Reaction Mechanism
Q.G. Song, Y. Han, W. Cao, C. Wang and W.H. Han

Experimental Study of Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine at JAXA
M. Kojima, H. Kawashima, H. Tanno, S. Matsuyama and T. Mizukaki

Experimental Study on Cell Structure Characteristics of Detonation Wave with a Small Perturbation
Chi Chu, Yuwen Wu, Chunsheng Weng and Quan Zheng