Session Chemical Reacting Flows (1)
Date/Time Monday, 15 July 2019, 14:50 - 16:10 hrs
Venue EA-06-04
Session Chair Eric Petersen

Modification of the Two-temperature Model Parameters of Oxygen in Air Mixtures
Jae Gang Kim

Numerical Investigation of Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flows using Eilmer3
Nadesan Thirukumaran, Chiang Juay Teo, Jiun-Ming Li and Boo Cheong Khoo

Wall Heat Flux Analysis of a Film-Cooled Single-Element Combustion Chamber with Large-Eddy Simulations
R. Olmeda and C. Stemmer

Fully Catalytic Behavior of Ceria in Powder form-a Strong Shock Absorbing TBC Material
V. Jayaram, J. Kavitha, K. Subbarao and Prakash Gopalakrishnan