Session Blast Waves (2)
Date/Time Wednesday, 17 July 2019, 11:15 - 12:35 hrs
Venue EA-06-03
Session Chair Charles Needham

Gun Muzzle Blast Characteristics Dependent on Propellant Leakage Past the Projectile
R. Hruschka, D. Klatt and A. Zeiner

Numerical Investigation of Blast Enhancement with Metalized Explosives
Quentin Pontalier, Sam Goroshin, David L. Frost, Jason Loiseau, Aaron Longbottom, Scott Cargill, Christopher Grapes, Alec Milne and Fan Zhang

5-cm-by-5-cm Detonation-Driven Blast Simulator for Fluid Dynamic Research on Blast Injury
T. Mizukaki, A. Kato, M. Mori, Y. Sekine and D. Saitoh

Blast Mitigation Studies In Layered Materials In Blast Wave Generator
Inderpal Singh Sandhu, Ankush Sharma, Meenakshi Bhatt Kala, Prashant S Alegaonkar, Manpreet Singh, Rama Arora and D R Saroha