doi: 10.3850/978-981-11-0749-8_694

Ejection Force Analysis of Sintered Aluminium Micro Gears Using a Shrink-Fit Die Principle

Emanuele Cannella1, Emil Krabbe Nielsen2 and Mogens Arentoft2
1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy
2Institute of Product Development - IPU, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


This project aims at developing and designing a new die-system capable of reducing the ejection force after in-die compacting and sintering, similar to the functional principle of a Micro-FAST sintering process. The system is based on the shrink-fit principle from cold forging; thus, the die is in a pre-stress condition during sintering. The experimental phase has involved the production of aluminium micro gears either with or without the shrink-fit application. The resulting ejection forces have been compared, showing a reduction with the shrink-fit application. In addition, the influence of several elements on the ejection force has been analysed, such as pressure, time, temperature, and lubrication.

Keywords: Sintering, Micro-FAST, Pre-stress, Die-design, Friction, Ejection.

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