| CFD Analysis of Transient Flow in Transverse Corrugated Pipes Rahul Jayakumar, T. Meenakshi and R. Sivakumar |
 | CFD Analysis of Passive Flow Control Devices for Hypersonic Flow M. Gogoi , A. Pavan , A. Mogrekar, T. Meenakshi and R. Sivakumar |
 | Hydrodynamic Analysis of Self Installing Mono Column Wind Float in Transportation Phase Utkarsh Ramayan, R. Panneer Selvam and Nagan Srinivasan |
 | Comparitive Study of the Anaerobic Reactor by Experimental and CFD Modelling Methods R. Loganath and T. Meenambal |
 | A New Framework for Unstructured Grid Based Petascale CFD Computations Vajjala K. Suman |
 | Aerodynamic Design of Aerial Target and Estimation of Trajectory A. Venkateshwarlu , Amogh Deshmukh, Aswin Chandra, Sharabh Kochar and Abhishek Jain |
 | Lattice Boltzmann Computation of Flow Around Two Circular Cylinders in Tandem D. Arumuga Perumal, Gundavarapu V.S. Kumar and Anoop K. Dass |
 | Numerical Investigation of Sloshing in Sectored Water Pool Subjected to Earthquake M. Eswaran, G. R. Reddy and R. K. Singh |
 | CFD Analysis of Heat Generating Porous Beds in 2D & 3D Geometries Dasaradhi, Anu Dutta and Brindaban Ghosh |
 | CFD Analysis of Heat Generating Fluid Volumes Gaurav Khandelwal, Priyanshu Goyal and Brindaban Ghosh |
 | Electrokinetic Transport and Mixing of Solute Through a Microchannel with Surface Heterogeneity Subrata Bera and S. Bhattacharyya |
 | Flow Analysis of Nebulizer N. Vinoth and L. Bhaskara Rao |
 | Performance Enhancement of an Impulse Turbine Used for Ocean Energy Extraction T. Karthikeyan, A. Samad and R. Badhurshah |
 | Effect of Position of Centre of Gravity on Stability of Armoured Vehicle During Amphibious Operation Rohit R. More, K. Senthilkumar and M. W. Trikande |
 | Simulations for Aerodynamic Coefficients of a 1:2:5 Rectangular Building Under Uniform Flow Using CFD C.V.N. Sai Charan, P. Harikrishna, S. Chitra Ganapathi, M. Keerthana and Sujatha E. Ramani |
 | Sloshing Dynamics in a 3D Storage Tank Under Harmonic Excitation VS Sanapala, T. Selvaraj, B. M. Anandarao, A. Ravisankar, K. Velusamy and B. S. V. Prasad Patnaik |
 | Simulation of Blood Flow Through Eccentric Stenosis Using LES E. Jabir and S. Anil Lal |
 | Solar Plant Heliostats Spacing Effect on Time Dependent Lift and Drag Forces Due to Wind Loads Abhilash C.Nair, Eswaran M, G.R.Reddy, and S.N.Bansode |
 | DSMC Simulations of Rarefied Flow Over a Square Cylinder R. V. Reji, R. Abhilash and S. Anil Lal |
 | Interrupted Jet Impingement of Nanofluids on Heated Surfaces Shreyak Yadav, Sushant Kumar and Shibu Clement |
 | Effect of Splitter Plate Location on Fluid Flow Characteristics Past a Circular Cylinder: A Numerical Study Sunakraneni Soumya and K. Arul Prakash |
 | Numerical Simulation of Flow around the Research Reactor Fuel Toes Singh D, , Eswaran M, Karimulla S ,Bhattacharya S, Mammen S and Reddy GR |
 | Numerical Estimation of Performance of Wire Mesh and C Type Demisters in Thermal Desalination Plants Ashwani Vishwanath, Prasad Dudhgaonkar and Purnima Jalihal |
 | Development and Implementation of Eulerianeulerian Model in Openfoam to Simulate Dispersed Gas-Liquid Flow in a Rectangular Bubble Column: Effect of Lift Forces Saroj K. Panda |
 | Computational Study of Turbulent Wall Jet on Inclined Surface in a Co-Flowing Stream S. Pramanik and M. K. Das |
 | Comparison of Drag-Coefficient of Simple Ball and Dimpled Ball Variation of Drag-Coefficient with Depth of Dimples Harrit Diwan, Vivek Warade and Sumit Jana |
 | Numerical Modeling of Indoor Air Pollutant Distribution Using Navier-Stokes Equation Buddhi Prasad Sapkota, Kedar Nath Uprety, Harihar Khanal and Stefan Muncass |
 | Magnetic Field-Driven Dewetting in Thin Liquid Films on Topographically Patterned Surfaces Sreeram K. Kalpathy and Navdeep Vyas |
 | Design and Analysis of Reduction of Induced Drag by Using Ring-Wing Configuration V. Jaya Kumar and S. Aravindan |
 | Design and Analysis of Solar Powered Plane M. Malarvizhi and P. Venkatesan |