Message from Korea Game Society (KGS)
The Korea Game Society (KGS) is very pleased to host the only Serious Games Conference (SGC2014) in Korea. I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to the International Serious Games Association (SGA) which has given us active cooperation making the conference successful in Korea. In addition, special thanks to Gyeonggido state government and Gyeonggi Contents Agency (GCA) for supporting us to hold a seriousgame feast, namely GOOD GAME SHOW 2014 together with the conference.
Games have always been a part of people’s lives. Games provide relaxation and fun in every corner of our lives, and it is only natural that games become acultural phenomenon. Last but not the least, I express a heart-full thanks to the organizing committee who have paid their utmost efforts day and night to prepare for a successful SGC 2014
Thank you,
Jae-Hong Lee
President of Korea Game Society
May, 2014