Nonlinear Dynamic Analyses of a Design Procedure for DTMFS
A. Longo, R. Montuori and V. Piluso
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy
In this paper a new design methodology for Dissipative Truss Moment Frames (DTMFs) aimed at failure mode control is briefly presented. The application of the design procedure is herein reported with reference to an eight storey DTMF with special dissipative devices located at the ends of truss girders at the bottom chord level. The accuracy of the proposed design procedure, whose validation has been already carried out in previous works by means of push-over analyses, is herein investigated by means of non linear dynamic analyses carried out by OpenSees computer program to confirm the goal of the design procedure (i.e the involvement of all the dissipative devices in the seismic energy dissipation avoiding the yielding of the main structure).
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