
Ferro Cement Twin-Cantilever Shell Tiles as Low Cost Roof

Syed Faiz Ahmad

Saudi Oger Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Roofs for a typical low-income housing in a developing country make up a substantial amount of cost. This cost needs to be reduced which can be done by undertaking researches to develop innovative building techniques. Ferro Cement Twin-Cantilever Shell is designed to serve this purpose. This is cast as a segmental element. The elements are very easy to cast, cure and then manually lift them in position over low cost concrete blocks to finish the roof structure. The structural roofing system thus formed also proved to be very competitive in cost as compared to any other conventional low cost roof element or structural system. The finished roof, of a typical low cost housing unit measuring a floor area of about 75m2 (about 800 ft2) built using Ferro Cement Twin-Cantilever Shell Tiles, was determined to be cheaper by more than 33% as compared with any other alternative low-cost structural roof system. A model roof structure using this innovative system was erected. This finished roof unit was then subjected to a rigorous load test which was found to be satisfactory. This paper discusses the process of design, construction technique, load test, and cost economics of the low cost roof elements using Ferro Cement Twin-Cantilever Shell Tiles.

Keywords: Low cost housing, Low income housing, Low cost roof, Ferro cement twin-cantilever shell tiles.

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