Investigation of ASR in Mass Concrete Structures: A Case Study
Suvimol Sujjavanich1, Prasert Suwanvitaya1 and David Rothstein2
1Department of Civil Engineering Kasetsart University,
Bangkok, Thailand.
2DRP Consulting, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA
Investigation of ASR in mass concrete structures, is reported in this paper. Extensive cracks, found soon after casting, became a cause of concern when continued expansion was observed 8 years after project completion. Detailed studies were conducted on core samples, taken after 10 years of service. Screening tests indicated ASR gel in aggregate rims, internal cracks and surrounding areas in agreement with accelerated expansion tests where continued expansions were observed. Petrographic analysis showed numerous microcracks and air voids, as well as ITZ, filled with ASR gel. The results are indicative of ASR occurrences, believed to be caused by the presence of fine grain black quartzite within the aggregate (c.a. 15% of coarse aggregate).
Keywords: ASR, Expansion, Accelerated condition, Petrographic analysis, Quartzite, Ettringite.
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