
Asbestos is Our Responsibility in Design and Construction

Jorge A. Frases

Asbestos Program, Department of Environmental Resources Management, Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.


Asbestos is a mineral made up of needle like crystalline structures. It has been used extensively in construction and other industries, particularly in the last 70 years. Asbestos is a wonder material, however, its fibers can make you sick or kill you. The major risk is through inhalation, but it can also be harmful if ingested. In construction the problem occurs when structures are totally demolished or renovated. Existing asbestos containingmaterials (ACM) can be disturbed and create microscopic fiber emissions. In conclusion, construction industry professionals have a moral responsibility to prevent the health risks of asbestos fibers. The key points to prevention are to obtain an asbestos survey during design and have a plan to properly handle the existing ACM.

Keywords: Asbestos, Demolition, Renovation, Abatement, Carcinogen.

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