Numerical Modelling of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams at Elevated Temperatures
Xiaoshan Lin and Y. X. Zhang
School of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Australia.
A one-dimensional two-node layered composite beam element developed for nonlinear finite element analysis of FRP-reinforced concrete beams is extended in this paper for nonlinear analysis of structural performance of the FRP-reinforced concrete beams at elevated temperatures. Both geometric nonlinearity and properties of the FRPs and the concrete are included in the element for accurate modeling of the structural behavior of FRP-reinforced concrete beams at elevated temperatures. The nonlinear structural behavior of composite FRP-reinforced concrete beams under external combined mechanical loading and thermal loading is investigated using the proposed element.
Keywords: Composite beam element, Elevated temperatures, FRP-reinforced concrete beams, Geometric nonlinearity, Temperature-dependent material.
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