Study on Loading Behaviors of Assembled Pc Box girder Bridge Affected by Pavement Thickness
S. B. Zhao, R. He and W. He
School of Civil Engineering and Communication, North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power, Zhengzhou, P.R. China.
Taken Shahe River Bridge as an example, the three-dimensional finite elementmethodwas used
to analyze the mechanical characteristics of a box girder bridge affected by the thicknesses
of concrete deck pavement designed as 80mm, 110mm and 140mm respectively. The results
show that the maximum longitudinal and lateral tensile stresses in box girder increase with the
increase of thickness of concrete deck pavement, which is unfavorable for the crack resistance
of box girder. The maximum lateral tensile stress decreases in concrete deck pavement. Corresponding
the thickness of concrete deck pavement to 110mm, the 1st principal stress in girder
concrete is the least, the distribution of stress in deck pavement is much more rational, and the
cracking possibility of deck is lower. The work means that there is the reasonable thickness of
concrete deck pavement bringing the bridge into a favorable loading state, it is necessary to
design the pavement by analysis rather than by experience.
Keywords: Bridge, Box girder, Deck pavement, Thickness, Stress, Finite element method.
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