
Integrated RFID and Sensor Technologies for Effective Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning

S. Hosseyni1,2, E. N. Bromhead2, J. Majrouhi Sardroud3,2, M. Limbachiya2 and M. Riazi2

1Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch, Azadshahr, Iran.

2School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, UK.

3Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Throughout the world, socioeconomic losses due to landslides are growing as human development expands into unstable hills, valleys and mountainous regions under the pressure of increasing population. Every landslide catastrophe produces a significant loss to the infrastructure, lifelines and buildings and can also result a large number of casualties and fatalities. Potentially unstable slopes can be monitored so that residents can be warned and, if necessary, evacuated. In the existing methods of monitoring; slope movements are monitored using surface extensometers, GPS networks and digital photogrammetry, subsurface deformations by using inclinometers and satellite technologies. This paper presents a study of applying an integrated application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor, GPS, and GIS technologies for accurate monitoring and early warning of landslides. RFID integrated with motion sensitive sensor provides an opportunity for detection and monitoring of landslides using minimal human intervention whereas GIS will be used for analyzing collected data. The landslides detector motion sensitive system provides for early warning and verification of landslide activity by allowing the user to be warned at the onset of landslide occurrence.

Keywords: GPS, GIS, Landslides monitoring and warning, RFID.

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