Cyclic Shear Tests on Damping Properties of Soil-Bag Assemblies
Haruyuki Yamamoto and Shaohong Jin
Development Technology, Hiroshima University/IDEC, Hiroshima, Japan.
In previous study, the performance of the earth reinforcement method by the soil-bags was cleared, and the soil-bag brings out large bearing capacity to the external vertical force because the materials inside soil-bags are wrapped and confined completely by bag. But the behaviors are unknown under cyclic lateral loads such as the shock of the earthquake. In this study, the damping properties of soil-bags assemblies were found out under the confined conditions by the earth pressure. The cyclic shear tests of soil-bags assemblies were performed for the columns of vertically piled soil-bags with ten bags using the cyclic simple shear tests apparatus. The materials inside soil-bags are fine sand and the crusher-run stone, and the cyclic shear tests were preformed with confined by the earth pressure and without confined pressure, and it was examined about the influences which these conditions gave to effect on the damping.
Keywords: Reinforced soil, Soil-bags, Cyclic shear test, Damping, Frictional resistance.
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