
Deploying Interoperable Bim and Online Interactive 3D in Integrated Design

K. E. Hedges and D. R. Beach

Hammons School of Architecture, Drury University, Springfield, MO, USA.


Designers called for new business models that deliver building projects through digitally collaborative approaches. The American Institute of Architects responded with the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) process which is facilitated by Building Information Modeling (BIM). Due to the early cooperation between the designer, builder, and owner, the design phases associated with IPD are fundamentally different than traditional methods. The new IPD procedures and their supporting contractual arrangements do not adequately inform how and where project stakeholders should engage BIM in the design phases. This paper investigates how owners communicate through BIM during the integrated design process. The authors qualitatively evaluated exemplar BIM projects recognized by industry. We found that owners do not consistently enlist BIM due to a widening gap between the owner and intelligible access to design documents. The authors provide a novel method of collaborative project visualization (CPV) which exchanges project information between designers and owners during navigation. CPV deploys user-friendly interoperable BIM and online interactive 3D programs. These visualization tools will benefit an inexperienced building owner by providing the freedom to independently explore design issues within BIM. This allows an intimate relationship between a novice BIM user and a complex design.

Keywords: BIM, Integrated design, IPD, Interactive 3D, Collaboration.

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