
An Example of the Evaluation of the Total Benefit of Road Preservation Intervention Strategies

Zanyar Mirzaei1, Bryan T. Adey1 and Konstantinos Tsafatinos2

1IBI, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

2University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.


A methodology to evaluate the total benefits of road preservation intervention strategies in Switzerland has recently been proposed by Adey et al. 2010. It is based on the estimation of the basic unit quantities that are produced or emitted on the network over an investigated time period and the monetary value assigned to each of these units. Benefits are considered to be attributable to the owner, the user and the public. The relationships between the benefits and pavement condition used in the models are based on those found in national and international literature but adjusted using expert opinion for use in Switzerland. Arealworld example used to test the feasibility of using this methodology in practice is presented in this article. The example road section is a 1.06km long cantonal road in Switzerland with an average daily traffic in 2010 of 18’900 vehicles per day. It has been found that the proposed methodology can be used to provide decision makers with systematic information on costs and benefits other than agency costs. If implemented in a management system and systematically used it is suspected that this methodology will result increased benefit for society. Some areas for future research are pointed out.

Keywords: Road, Intervention, Total benefit, Optimization, Basic units.

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