
Synthesis of Viable Negotiated Alternatives for Contractors’ Workers’ Compensation

R. Edward Minchin Jr.1, John W. Mogge2 and Stuart A. Christmas3

1Rinker School of Building Construction, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.

2Jim Parker Building Co., Inc., Auburn, AL, USA.

3Christmas & Spano, P.A. Tallahassee, FL, USA.


In a recent survey, contractors listed workers’ compensation (WC) as their second-biggest challenge, after only locating and hiring qualified workers to do the work on their projects. Often faced with spiraling premium costs, fraudulent claims, and complicated dispute resolution procedures, many construction contractors are seeking new options for managing their programs. This paper does three things: (1) defines Negotiated Workers’ Compensation and describes the operational programs throughout the U.S.; (2) presents the concept of Negotiated Workers’ Compensation (NWC) as a new managerial option. With working programs in six states, each system is constructed differently, but all seem to exhibit great potential for managing WC costs and outcomes.

Keywords: Insurance, Dispute resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Construction site accidents, Accidents, Construction companies, Construction.

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