
The Construction of Vertical Double-Layer Space Grids for Super Tall Buildings (Part–1)

Hendry Yahya Sutjiadi and Andrew W. Charleson

School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.


This paper analyzes the constructability of a vertical double-layer space grid as a multistorey structural system. Although this structural system has been widely used in horizontal structures, the authors propose using one of these structures for a 100 storey high building for which they have undertaken the structural design. As double-layer space grids have not been used vertically before, their construction methodology has not been discussed or reported upon. This paper then presents a case-study of a vertical multi-storey double-layer space grid construction. Part One of these papers discusses structural materials, member section shapes and connections. Structural profiles and joints of several existing tall steel structures are reviewed, with observations and analysis to compare their construction aspects with those of the proposed vertical double-layer space grid building. The study demonstrates several alternative structural profiles and connections for these structures. Tubular steel profiles are recommended for horizontal and diagonal members, and three models of steel rectangular and composite tubular profiles with stiffeners are suggested for the large vertical members. Two gusset plate models with different characteristics are suggested for structural connections. The paper concludes by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of structural sections and joints applied in double-layer space grids with comparison to conventional steel high-rise structures.

Keywords: Double-layer space grid, Space structure, Steel structure, Multi-story, Tall building, Construction, Material, Profile, Connection.

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