
Industrialization of the Swiss Construction Market: A Cooperative Approach

Thomas Rinas and Gerhard Girmscheid

Construction Process and Enterprise Management, Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management, ETH Zurich, Zurich, switzerland.


Nowadays manual production techniques in small-scaled precast concrete companies still dominate concrete prefabrication in Switzerland. New concepts and strategies are required to empower these small-scaled precast concrete companies aswell as local construction companies, architects and engineers to benefit from industrialization concepts like the mass customization approach in the client’s value creating process. This paper presents the cooperative approach of a two-dimensional cooperative business model. The two-dimensional cooperative business model will lead Swiss precast concrete (SPC) companies in conjunction with other market players to offer system-oriented, individual client solutions, to increase the automation level of the SPC companies and to implement the mass customization strategy in the traditional construction production process. This approach will lead to a flexible and economical provision of integrated elements and individual building systems in order to follow the paradigm shift in the clients’ needs. It will improve the competitiveness of the small-scaled SPC companies in the European market environment.

Keywords: Mass customization, Business model, Cooperation, Concrete prefabrication.

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