Unconfined Fires

Correlation of the Height of Turbulent Choked Jet Flames
D. Bradley, J. Casal and A. Palacios

Large Eddy Simulation of Thermal and Fire Plumes
Y. Wang, P. Chatterjee and J.L. de Ris

Large Eddy Simulation of a One-Metre Diameter Methane Fire using the Extended Discrete Reaction Model
B.P. Xu, Z.B. Chen, J.X. Wen, S. Zhubrin and S. Dembele

Radiation-Driven Flame Extinction in Fires
P. Narayanan, V. Lecoustre and A. Trouvé

The 1D Iterative Model for Predicting Thermal Radiation from a Jet Fire
G. Leroy and S. Duplantier

The Effect of Deluge Water in Jet Fire against Cylindrical Objects
R. Wighus and T. Trung Mai