Reliability of Steel Structures under Fire Conditions
N. Torić, B. Peroša and I. Boko
University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Matice hrvatske 15, HR-21000 Split, Croatia.
It is possible to determine the reliability of steel structures exposed to fire, as a random accidental action, entirely by structural reliability methods, combined with adequate laboratory testing. The paper presents a parametric study of the influence of different fire loads on the reliability of a warehouse steel hall. The safety of steel structures is expressed by a safety index β, that represents a measure of structure safety and is directly related to the probability of structural failure. The paper also presents an experimental study involving research on the mechanical characteristics of steel at high temperatures which are essential for determining the resistance of steel structures. Safety indices are calculated for the defined values of the basic variables of resistance and fire action, as well as the degree of safety of the steel structures exposed to the fire. These investigations have been carried out within the NA (National annex) in the field of fire action according to Eurocode specifications.
Keywords: Reliability, Steel structures, Safety index, Real fire load.

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