Transient Spray Development in the Discharge of a Fire Extinguishing Agent
A. Snegirev1,a, A. Lipjainen1, D. Bondarenko2 and B. Lehugeur3
1St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya 29, St.-Petersburg, 195251, Russia.
2International Research Institute for Advanced Systems, Moscow, Russia
3Airbus Espana, Getafe (Madrid), Spain
The paper presents a numerical methodology to simulate the transient development and penetration rate of a spray developing in the discharge of a liquefied fire extinguishing agent (Halon 1301). Simulation results indicate that the transient spray tip penetration in unconfined space favourably compares to the available experimental observations. In the simulations, the internal spray structure has been identified, and droplet size distributions inside the spray have been predicted. The numerical methodology developed will be used for subsequent predictions of transient halon vapour concentration growth after agent injection in aircraft compartments.
Keywords: Halon fire protection, Turbulent evaporating spray, Spray modelling.

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