Heat Release Rate and Sprinkler Response Characterization in Large-Scale Fires
F. Tamanini
FM Global, 1151 Boston-Providence Highway, Norwood, MA 02062, USA.
Much information is available in the data collected in highly-instrumented large-scale
fire tests, which is only partially utilised. As a step in the direction of correcting this
deficiency, an analysis has been carried out to extract estimates of convective heat
release rate and sprinkler response from ceiling gas temperature measurements. The
method relies on published correlations for fires in rack-storage fuel arrays and, as such,
does not represent a major scientific advance. From a practical viewpoint, however, the
implementation of the method as an easy-to-use tool greatly reduces the level of effort
required by this type of analysis, thereby making it possible on a routine basis. Though
preliminary results have been encouraging, formal validation of the method still remains
to be undertaken. Other useful enhancements and desirable additional capabilities are
being considered. A feature slated for possible near-term implementation involves the
calculation of metal target response based on the characterisation of the thermal
environment through plate thermometer data.
Keywords: Ceiling layer, Large-scale fires, Convective heat release rate, Sprinkler response.

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