
On the use of Small-Scale Results for the Design of Ventilation Systems in Large-Scale Atria

N. Tilleya, P. Rauwoens and B. Merci

Ghent University – UGent, Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.


Many researchers use a set of small-scale atrium experiments to develop formulae for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems. They correspond to large-scale atria via Froude-scaling. A similar study can be performed with numerical simulations, where a small-scale setup can be scaled up to compare the results. However, with numerical simulations as well as in experiments, proper scaling is necessary. This paper discusses the dimensionless numbers for scaling. The simulations confirm that scaling based on Froude-number alone seems allowed as long as the flows in all configurations are sufficiently turbulent.

Keywords: Scaling, Numerical simulations, Smoke extraction, Atria.

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