doi: 10.3850/978-981-08-7614-2_IMPRES079
Heat and Mass Transfer Studies on Vertical Tubular Generator in R134a-DMF Absorption Refrigeration System
Balamurugan Pasupathy and Mani Annamalaia
Refrigeration & Airconditioning Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
In this present work, performance of a generator has been studied numerically with R134a (1, 1, 1, 2 - Tetrafluoroethane) and DMF (Dimethylformamide) as refrigerant and absorbent respectively. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer processes of desorption are described mathematically using heat and mass transfer equations. A model has been developed based on Colburn - Drew type formulation, taking into account the resistances in both liquid and vapour phases. The model is used to analyze the vertical tube in tube stainless steel generator with forced convective boiling. Desorption of vapour takes place in the inner tube of generator, when hot water through the annulus is used as heating medium. Results have been obtained by modeling on a computer using MATLAB. Bulk liquid, vapour and interface temperatures have been predicted during desorption along the generator. Both bulk and interface concentrations have been evaluated for both phases separately. Heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate predicted from this model are compared with available experimental data and the agreement is found to be reasonable. Parametric analysis has also been performed to study the effect of various parameters on the performance of generator.
Keywords: Absorption refrigeration, R134a-DMF, Generator, Forced convective boiling.
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