doi: 10.3850/978-981-08-7614-2_IMPRES007
Application of Anodic Alumina Support for Methane Steam Reforming
Yu Guo, Lu Zhoua, Wen Zhao, Jian Chen, Makoto Sakurai and Hideo Kameyama
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 24-16, Nakacho 2, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan.
A plate alumina supported 17.9 wt% Ni catalyst showed deactivation in daily start-up and shut-down (DSS) steam reforming of methane at 700°C, because of the Ni oxidation and sintering by steam. When 0.078 wt% Pt was doped, due to the H2 spillover effect over noble metal, the Pt-Ni catalyst exhibited self-activation and self-regeneration ability, while 3000 h continual and 500-time DSS stability was showed.
Keywords: Steam reforming, Alumite support, Methane, Daily start-up and Shut-down.
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