An Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Approach for Analyzing and Synthesizing Rectangular Microstrip Antenna
Prasanna L. Zade1, N. K. Choudhari2, G. L. Bodhe and Deepali Sontakke
1Y. C. College of Engineering, Nagpur.
2Bhagwati College of Engineering, Nagpur
In this paper, both the synthesis and analysis of rectangular microstrip antenna models based on the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) are presented to calculate accurately the resonant frequency of the rectangular microstrip antennas .The ANFIS is a class of adaptive network which are functionally equivalent to fuzzy inference systems (FISs).
ANFIS models are generated and trained with some data pairs. A hybrid learning algorithm is used to identify the parameters of ANFIS. The results of the new method are in excellent agreement with the experimental results reported elsewhere.
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