RCCM: A Novel Method for Data Transmission in Vehicular Sensor Networks
R. Pushpaak and L. Keerthana
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, India.
In Vehicular sensor networks, tiny sensors are equipped on vehicles, such as buses and cars, which consist of sensing, data processing, and communicating components. Recent advances in wireless communication and electronics have enabled vehicular sensor networks as a significant technology, attracting considerable research interest. In this paper, we propose a novel method for data transmission in vehicular sensor networks called Roving Cluster-based Communication Method (RCCM) that utilizes both LEACH protocol and NEMO protocol so as to support the mobility of the sensor nodes. The proposed roving cluster consists of a roving cluster head (RCH) and more than two roving cluster members (RCMs). The RCMs transmit the sensed data to the sink node through the RCH. The sink node has the information about the position of the roving cluster by monitoring the ID change of the cluster and so they also can transmit data to the roving cluster. Furthermore, RCCM and Direct communication method are compared on the basis of energy consumption. And the analytical results show that RCCM applied to a vehicle can perform data transmission consuming less power than Direct communication method.
Keywords: Vehicular sensor network, LEACH protocol, NEMO protocol, Direct communication method, Energy consumption.
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