Damage Factor Estimation of Crane-Hook (A Database Approach with Image, Knowledge and Simulation)
Takuma Nishimura1,a, Takao Muromaki1, Kazuyuki Hanahara1, Yukio Tada1, Shigeyuki Kuroda2 and Tadahisa Fukui2
1Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, Japan.
2Martec K.K., Kobe 650-0046, Japan.
The main topic of this study is a damage factor estimation of crane-hooks. Our estimation is to recognize the tendency of the load condition. We examine the relation between the load condition and its deformation by numerical analysis based on FEM. The relation is recorded into the database. The feature points are detected from the crane-hook images where these points are defined in order to correspond to the numerical analysis results in the database. These points are compared to the relation that the database has. A data is defined as the force that minimizes the difference between the feature points of the image and the deformed nodal position of the database. Using Bayesian theory, we estimate the distribution of the load condition in case of that the crane-hooks are damaged. We find out some knowledge about the crane-hooks from the estimation result. These are as follows: the load condition lies between the most downward point and the tip-end point, the direction is toward the gravity direction.
Keywords: Damage factor, Database approach, Bayesian theory, Crane-hook.
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