State-of-the-Art Papers and Special Guest Lectures

Consolidation of Clays and Ground Improvement
Serge Leroueil and Yoichi Watabe

Ground Improvement Techniques for Land Reclamation – Singapore Experience
C. F. Leung

Ground Improvement Case Histories and Advances in Practice
Serge Varaksin and Babak Hamidi

Ground Improvement of Extremely Soft Soils in Rio De Janeiro
Marcio S. S. Almeida and Mario Riccio

Integrated Design and QC/QA for Deep Mixing Support of Levees and Floodwalls
George Filz, A. E. Templeton and Tiffany Adams

Soft Soil Improvement Through Consolidation: An Overview
Jian Chu, Buddhima Indraratna, Shuwang Yan and Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn

Applications of Ground Improvement Techniques to Embankment Dams
Sêco e Pinto and Pedro Simão