A Simplified MDOF Model for Seismic Analysis of Shear Wall-frame Structures
J. S. Kuanga and Kai Huangb
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
A simplified multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) model is developed for nonlinear dynamic analysis, in particular for seismic response analysis, of reinforced concrete shear wall-frame structures. In the development of the proposed model, the continuum technique for tall building structures is employed and bilinear hysteretic models for materials to represent structural rigidities are adopted. The procedure for driving this continuum MDOF model is presented. The proposed simplified MDOF model is shown to provide a simple and efficient, yet accurate, means for conducting nonlinear response history analysis for estimation of seismic performance of shear wall-frame buildings.
Keywords: Nonlinear response history analysis, Seismic response, Tall buildings, Wall-frame structures.
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