Continuous Deep Beams on Spring Supports
Ning Zhanga and Kang Hai Tanb
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, 639798, Singapore.
This paper investigates the effects of differential support settlement on the strength and behaviour of two-span Continuous Deep Beams (CDBs). An experimental programme consisting of 7 specimens has been carried out with different spring supports to investigate the effects of differential support settlement on the beam behaviour. Material strengths, test setup and loading procedure are briefly introduced. Test results including crack patterns, load-deflection curves, serviceability loads, and ultimate loads are presented and discussed with the effects of support stiffness. It is shown that differential support settlement significantly affects the serviceability load, crack pattern, and failure mode. However, for ultimate strength, the specimens exhibit considerable tolerance in accommodating differential settlement, particularly for those with web reinforcement. A Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) is proposed to calculate the ultimate strengths of CDBs subjected to support settlement. Good agreement is found between the test results and STM predictions. The method can be easily implemented through excel spreadsheet, thus making it an attractive tool for engineers.
Keywords: Continuous deep beams, Experiment, Strut and tie, Support settlement, Web reinforcement.
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