A New Program for Design and Analysis of Pile Group with Raking Piles
G. F. Zhu1,2, K. Wang1,3, P. C. Zhai1 and C. Z. Zhan2
1Department of Engineering Structures and Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, PRC
2Fugro (Hong Kong) Limited, 7/F, Guardian House, 32 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
3Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research, Guangzhou 510500, PRC
Piled foundation is widely used for various structures such as high-rise buildings, bridges, and offshore structures. The design of piled foundation is normally based on rigid cap assumption. However, few commercial programs are available for the foundation design, especially if raking piles are included and the stiffness of piles is considered. Based on the elastic theory of beam on elastic foundation adopting both the M-method and the C-method, the interactions between piles and adjacent ground are analyzed using finite difference method to obtain the individual pile lateral and vertical spring constants. Adopting the rigid cap design assumption, individual pile reaction and displacement are then calculated. The detail analyses are coded with the Visual C++ programming language, so that friendly inputs and outputs can be performed on screen. The program can be used in the analyses of a pile group in a layered soil with both vertical and raking piles complying with Chinese standards. The user can easily adjust the pile foundation stiffness by changing the pile dimensions, layouts so that optimum pile arrangement could be obtained. The program could become a valuable tool for the designers of pile foundation and provide a cost effective foundation to the structures.
Keywords: Design, General loading, Object-oriented programming, Piled foundation, Program, Raked pile.
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